
今天要介紹的是WD Blue 2.5" 1TB Mobile Drive 9.5mm(WD10JPVX),號稱縱橫沙場,所向披靡,人氣No.1,專業電腦玩家大推,夠殺才敢嗆聲!

WD Blue 2.5" 1TB Mobile Drive 9.5mm(WD10JPVX), 桌上型電腦推薦, 桌上型電腦價格, 桌上型電腦筆記型電腦比較, 桌上型電腦cpu效能比較, 桌上電腦比較, 桌上型電腦, 桌上型電腦桌, 電競主機, DIY桌上型電腦, 品牌桌上型電腦, 燦坤, 快3網路商城, Kuai3, 燦坤實體守護, 手機, 智慧型手機, 一般手機, 穿戴裝置, 手機/平板保護週邊, 手機/平板配件, Apple配件, 行動電源, 耳機, MP5/MP3, 電腦, 筆記型電腦, 平板電腦




有關WD Blue 2.5" 1TB Mobile Drive 9.5mm(WD10JPVX)的詳細介紹如下:

內接2.5吋Mobile Blue系列 1TB容量 8M/5400RPM/SATA III(6Gb) 保固兩年

WD Blue 2.5" 1TB Mobile Drive 9.5mm(WD10JPVX)


250 GB - 1 TB

SATA 6 Gb/秒, SATA 3 Gb/秒

原廠技術。 WD Blue 硬碟的設計與製造採用 WD 原廠得獎桌上型與行動硬碟中實證可行的技術。

WD 品質。 這些硬碟符合最高品質和可靠性標準,提供多種功能與容量選擇,適合您的日常運算需求。

更多選擇。 這些硬碟提供多種容量、快取記憶體大小、外形尺寸和介面選擇,讓您確定所選的硬碟在多方面都能符合您的系統需求。

您知道嗎... 輕鬆在您的電腦上安裝內部硬碟。

低耗電量。 最新的搜尋演算法和進階電源管理功能,可確保低耗電量並讓電池使用壽命更長。 NoTouch 磁碟表面停放技術。 磁頭不會觸碰到磁碟媒體,可大幅降低在傳輸時對磁頭和媒體的磨損,並提供更佳的硬碟保護。 寧靜無聲的運作。 對筆記型電腦硬碟而言,無聲就是金。WD 獨家的消噪技術提供市面上運作時最安靜無聲的 2.5 吋硬碟。 SATA 或 PATA 介面。 雖然 SATA 已成為業界標準介面,但是 WD 仍會針對特殊或舊有系統提供採用 PATA 介面的行動硬碟。 輕鬆升級您的硬碟。 WD Acronis True Image(可從 WD 支援網站免費下載)能夠讓您將所有資料複製到新硬碟上,使您不需要重新安裝作業系統即可享受新硬碟的所有優點。 WD 的優勢。 WD 在推出任何產品之前,都會先對產品進行廣泛的功能整合測試 (F.I.T.)。此項測試可確保我們的產品符合 WD 品牌一貫的最高品質和可靠性標準。WD 也提供詳盡的知識庫,彙集超過 1,000 篇實用的文章和軟體與公用程式。我們的客戶支援專線提供較長的服務時間,以確保您在需要時可獲得所需的協助。我們的免付費客戶支援專線為您提供協助,或是您可以存取我們的 WD 支援網站,以取得詳細資訊。 建議用途: WD Blue 硬碟已通過測試,最適用於筆記型電腦、外接盒和特定工業應用,可提供立即保護。

Massive engineering in an ultra-slim world.

WD has pioneered an entirely new way of engineering the hard drive. With the highest possible aerial density inside the thinnest space, the WD Blue ultra-slim hard drive is our most advanced form factor ever at just 5 mm thin. That's 35 percent thinner than most popular smartphones and 47 percent thinner than a standard mobile hard drive.

Feather weight in a heavy weight class.

The WD Blue ultra-slim hard drive is 36 percent lighter than standard mobile hard drives, weighing in at just 74 grams, (2.61 ounces). Our new intelligent micro PCBA also helps reduce drive mass for 47 percent less total volume without compromising mobility requirements, making WD Blue as light as a feather!

Best-in-class acoustics.

WD's exclusive noise reducing technologies make the WD Blue 5 mm ultra-slim hard drive whisper quiet. At merely 15 decibels while idle and 17 decibels during seek operations on average, this drive is over 10 percent quieter than the closest competitor drive in its class.

State of the art, from the start.

An ultra-slim design that does not compromise, WD Blue was designed with stronger aluminum materials and a harder Tied-Shaft motor which increases drive pinch strength as much as 30 percent. These advanced engineering improvements allow for a more rigid structure without degrading performance or increasing power consumption.

WD Blue ultra-slim has also revolutionized the mobile hard drive with influences of enterprise-grade craftsmanship, featuring a new superior grade, high performance Dual Stage Actuator. Our state-of-the-art technology helps to reduce vibrations and acoustics that are emitted from within your system, increasing drive reliability and adds value by helping protect your investment.

Sealed to perfection.

Achieving a 5 mm profile with 47 percent less volume required a wide range of innovations, from the thermosphere down to protons and electrons. We introduced new manufacturing techniques and pioneered capabilities only thought previously as unimaginable. Our engineers pushed into new boundaries and developed a drive so advanced, it's reflection is simply remarkable. This combination of unique challenges allowed WD to create a design so slim, so compact, that it is sealed to perfection.



WD 提供您多種選擇,而非是一體適用的硬碟。WD 提供您多種選擇。讓您享有選擇的力量。

WD Blue


WD Blue 硬碟提供穩定的效能和可靠性,適合桌上型 PC、外接盒以及適合特定業界應用。

WD Green


WD Green 硬碟可做為 PC 的次要硬碟、外接盒和其他偏好低噪音和低溫的用途。

WD Black


WD Black 硬碟適用於尋求先進效能的狂熱人士和創意專業人士。

WD Red

NAS 的新色彩。

WD Red 硬碟已通過測試,適用於家庭和小型辦公室 NAS 全年無休的運作環境並能滿足繁重的系統需求。

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